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Remote and Virtual Audits and Inspections for FDA Compliance: Here to Stay?

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Thursday, December 16 at 1pm ET
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, onsite audits to review quality control at contract manufacturers and in-person inspections by the FDA have become far more complicated, with industry and FDA adopting remote, virtual, and hybrid approaches to assess regulatory compliance. Join attorney Jeni Lamb Rogers as she discusses trends and best practices in the industry.  


About Remote and Virtual Audits and Inspections for FDA Compliance: Here to Stay?

Thursday, December 16 at 1pm ET

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, onsite audits to review quality control at contract manufacturers and in-person inspections by the FDA have become far more complicated, with industry and FDA adopting remote, virtual, and hybrid approaches to assess regulatory compliance. Join attorney Jeni Lamb Rogers as she discusses trends and best practices in the industry.  

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