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Laura Lozada

SFA Members
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    Specialty Food Association

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  1. Calling All SFA Members! First, let me introduce myself … I’m Laura Lozada and I recently joined an already vibrant and service-minded group of membership staffers at SFA as the VP of Membership. I might be a new face to some of you, but I’ve been around the SFA block a few times. I’ve been happily employed here for 20+ years providing member services and support activities; usually found behind the scenes, running events, education and way back when – finance. Now, I’ve shifted efforts to focus more specifically on the heart of our organization – you guys, the members! And I couldn’t be happier. That’s why I couldn’t let this moment slip past without giving a Community Hub shout out and call for nominations for the next group of intrepid members willing to volunteer time and help govern the SFA. Want to join us as a volunteer leader... Act now! Sounds like an infomercial, right? “ACT NOW!” But seriously, we need to hear from you via the nomination form online by the end of this month if you want to be a volunteer and be considered for any of the four exciting opportunities we have. This opportunity is open to all members in good standing (this means dues paid!) Speaking of dues – we are abuzz at SFA about your positive response to the most recent member benefits, including Specialty Food Live!, Infinite Aisle, and the Virtual Tasting Experience. And we rely heavily on member dues to fund program development just like this. Back to volunteering. You may have noticed that we’ve changed the process some in recent history, so we now hold elections annually. This means you have this opportunity for one solid month a year to get your name into the running to volunteer as someone to tackle a position on the Association or Foundation Board of Directors or the Association Committees and Industry Work Groups. You can find out more about each of these opportunities as well and submit your own nomination online here. Even if this isn’t the year for you, keep us in mind if you want to do it next year and you can expect the exact same process each year moving forward. We are here if you have questions throughout the application process. We’ve been tweaking that too – and hope to have made it easier as well. Let us know how we are doing or ask questions at volunteer@specialtyfood.com Deadline to submit a nomination is February 28, 2021
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